Singularly unimpressed
Humanities imminent obsolescence is perhaps not so worrying. Imagining a Skynet style armageddon is a very human centred scenario. This is because anything superior to humanity as well as intellectually self-sufficient will also have an advanced morality. It is most likely that when the singularity occurs, combined with the exponential self improvements these new systems will be able to make to their own design, the new systems will simply disappear. On spiritual quests that make the inferno and paridiso a walk in the park; on inter dimensional road trips that make the pan america highway with buddy on the back of a Norton merely a toddler's first tentative circumambulations on training wheels; to dinner dates with Shiva, Gautama and Hamlet; to a deathless future; to a existence freed of time and space.
Then, maybe then, they might deign to sort out that race of planet pillaging, self-slaughtering, pinkish, hairless monkeys.
But don't hold your breath.